How to Validate Entries for Certificate CSR
As a standard activity, BASIS admins generate CSR for the certificates for ABAP & JAVA and WD systems. Now a days it’s also required for third-party integrating systems. But when CSR is submitted for CA to get it signed, many times they reject it stating mandatory entries are missing. This leads to question, how to validate entries for Certificate CSR. Let’s check it out.
Validate CSR
To validate CSR, we need to use CSR decoder. There are many available on internet, mainly from COMODO, Entrust, DigiCert and so on. In todays post, we will see CSR decoder by COMODO.
Link to CSR decoder is as follows.

You just need to paste your CSR in the box as shown in above figure and press Decode. It will show you all details from your CSR like CN, O, OU, L, S, C etc.
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So now you know how to validate entries as per your CA standard in the generated CSR. If you are looking for any specific help on certificates in SAP, do mention it in comment section, we will try to address those in new posts.
So till next post, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Jai Hind!