Steps to Activate HTTPS in ABAP System

Steps to Activate HTTPS in ABAP System

  1. Download Cryptographic Software from Service Market Place
  2. Extract the Software in Kernel directory
  3. Check that sec folder is available in DV* folder
  4. Check file ticket is present in sec folder
  5. Add following profile parameters to Instance Profile.
    # HTTPS Parameters
    login/accept_sso2_ticket = 1
    login/create_sso2_ticket = 2
    ssl/ssl_lib = $(DIR_EXECUTABLE)\sapcrypto.dll
    sec/libsapsecu = $(DIR_EXECUTABLE)\sapcrypto.dll
    ssf/ssfapi_lib = $(DIR_EXECUTABLE)\sapcrypto.dll
    ssf/name = SAPSECULIBicm/server_port_1 = PROT=SMTP,PORT=25000, TIMEOUT=600
    icm/server_port_2 = PROT=HTTPS,PORT=81$$, TIMEOUT=600
  6. Restart SAP System
  7. Login to SAP system at client 000
  8. Go to transaction strustsso2
  9. Create PSE for SSL Server Standard
  10. Go to SMICM
  11. Click on Services
  12. Select check-box for HTTPS
  13. Services -> Activate
  14. In case or error check ICM log in SMICM

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